Friday, October 23, 2015

My problem...

I feel so childish right now. I wanna go and buy the tan Niko and my normalskin twin Pikis behind my boyfriends back but I cant. I have the money and I dont have the money. There is so many thing we should save money and I wanna use mine on these three dolls...:/ Crap! I hate it! Why this always happens to me?! Well I guess I have to wait and see of there will be sales on market place latter...:/

Meen while I have been makeina these notebooks and magazines for the house I bought. It toik sinne time but they are ready now.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Buy or not to buy...

Fairyland is afforing again tan skin pukipukis... And I want pukipuki Niko in that color. But I also want pukipuki piki twins that I have been dreaming long time. The problem here is my boyfriend and our two moth old baby boy, even that I have money of my own . What should I do? And I am afraid of  that after this event they are closing pukipuki order possibility again. I think I have to talk to my honey little...

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Dream come true...

I have been dreaming choco pukipuki Rose and finally I got her. I bought her from DOA´s marked place as used. She came with her full set stuff except underwear and eyes. But still it´s a dream come true...<3 br="">
Her name is Helmi (Pearl). And she will be my little dummy, she is simple, kind and wants no harm to any one...

Now I need to find the punkbed I made and place it to my yellow doll house. I use to have big self made, but I losted in devorce. Now I am planning to buy two dollhouse, one small and one bigger. Smaller one will be a cute romantic house for one or two pukipuki´s of mine and the bigger will be the modern and there will be living the rest of the group.

Now I have eight puki pukis, five in normal skin, one tan and two chocos...:D And I need more...XD
Still dreaming owning Piki twins and Nico. My group will need one girl and two boys more...